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Industry Live

Industry Live is a series of live career awareness and exploration events via video conference.

By registering, you will be on our list of schools who have expressed interest in joining one or several of our events in 2021.

In time for each event, you will receive information about how to register your class along with details about speakers and the upcoming topic. 

Industry Live events are FREE and open to students across Australia with a focus on schools with an ICSEA less than 1000 and students in years 7-12. 

You are welcome to opt in to as many Industry Live sessions as you like. 

For over 30 years, Beacon Foundation has been in the community, connecting the worlds of learning and work for Australian students who need it most. Over time, our organisation has evolved to better respond to a changing environment and the needs of young people. Learn more about our organisation and the impact we are driving in "Our Story".  View our story

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Register below to receive information about upcoming Industry Live sessions and details on how to register your class.

These events are open to schools across Australia with a focus on schools with an ICSEA less than 1000 and students in years 7-12.

Our Story